
Advanced Technology and Biology

Our division uses advanced and emerging technologies to accelerate scientific discoveries.

Leadership and management

Genomics Laboratory Head
Head, Proteomics Laboratory
Head, Protein Production Facility
Head, Screening Lab & Joint Head, NDDC (Screening)
Head, Flow Cytometry Facility
Laboratory Head
Head, Advanced Histotechnology Facility
Head, Antibody Facility
Division Coordinator


Our technologies include:

With these technological advances and powerful computational resources we’re working to obtain new insights for advancing medical research explaining how diseases develop, spread and respond to treatment.

To contact the division please email Kristal Figiel, Division Coordinator, at figiel.k@wehi.edu.au

In this video, mitochondria are coloured red, and DNA is marked in green. As the mitochondria start to die, they begin to ball up, before releasing the DNA which we see as green spots appearing outside the mitochondria.