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Hoeft K, Koch L, Ziegler S, Zhang L, Luetke S, Tanzer MC, Mohanta D, Schumacher D, Schreibing F, Long Q, Kim H, Klinkhammer BM, Schikarski C, Maryam S, Baens M, Hermann J, Krieg S, Peisker F, De Laporte L, Schaefer GJL, Menzel S, Jankowski J, Humphreys BD, Wahida A, Schneider RK, Versele M, Boor P, Mann M, Sengle G, Hayat S, Kramann R. ADAMTS12 promotes fibrosis by restructuring extracellular matrix to enable activation of injury-responsive fibroblasts. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2024;134(18):10.1172/jci170246
Tanzer MC. You are what you eat and how you digest it! A discussion on inflammatory efferocytosis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2023;11:10.3389/fcell.2023.1132696
Tanzer MC, Tummers B, Poon IKH. Editorial: Cell death: from its induction to the removal of dying cells!. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2023;11:10.3389/fcell.2023.1195775
Stafford CA, Gassauer A-M, de Oliveira Mann CC, Tanzer MC, Fessler E, Wefers B, Nagl D, Kuut G, Sulek K, Vasilopoulou C, Schwojer SJ, Wiest A, Pfautsch MK, Wurst W, Yabal M, Fröhlich T, Mann M, Gisch N, Jae LT, Hornung V. Phosphorylation of muramyl peptides by NAGK is required for NOD2 activation. Nature. 2022;609(7927):10.1038/s41586-022-05125-x
Skowronek P, Thielert M, Voytik E, Tanzer MC, Hansen FM, Willems S, Karayel O, Brunner A-D, Meier F, Mann M. Rapid and In-Depth Coverage of the (Phospho-)Proteome With Deep Libraries and Optimal Window Design for dia-PASEF. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2022;21(9):10.1016/j.mcpro.2022.100279
Bludau I, Willems S, Zeng W-F, Strauss MT, Hansen FM, Tanzer MC, Karayel O, Schulman BA, Mann M. The structural context of posttranslational modifications at a proteome-wide scale. PLOS Biology. 2022;20(5):10.1371/journal.pbio.3001636
Dichtl S, Sanin DE, Koss CK, Willenborg S, Petzold A, Tanzer MC, Dahl A, Kabat AM, Lindenthal L, Zeitler L, Satzinger S, Strasser A, Mann M, Roers A, Eming SA, Kasmi KCE, Pearce EJ, Murray PJ. Gene-selective transcription promotes the inhibition of tissue reparative macrophages by TNF. Life Science Alliance. 2022;5(4):10.26508/lsa.202101315
Tanzer MC. A proteomic perspective on TNF-mediated signalling and cell death. Biochemical Society Transactions. 2022;50(1):10.1042/bst20211114
Tanzer MC, Bludau I, Stafford CA, Hornung V, Mann M. Phosphoproteome profiling uncovers a key role for CDKs in TNF signaling. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):10.1038/s41467-021-26289-6