

Infections from viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites are significant causes of worldwide illness and death.

Our researchers investigate many significant infectious agents with the goal of reducing the global burden of infectious disease.

Our infectious disease research

Our researchers are working to develop better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat infectious diseases. Infections we study include:

Our research into particular infectious diseases is closely integrated with investigations into how our immune system responds to that disease. This is contributing to:

  • Advancing vaccine development to generate immune responses that prevent infections.
  • New strategies to treat infections through manipulating our immune response.

What are infections?

We are constantly exposed to many different types of living organisms in our environment. A small proportion of these are able to invade our body and live within us. When an invading organism makes us sick, this is termed an infection.

In some cases, organisms living within us are beneficial to our health. For example, many bacteria living in our bowel are important for digestion and are a source of certain vitamins. These ‘friendly’ organisms can also impede the entry of disease-causing infectious organisms.

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Illuminate Summer 2024
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