
About the lab

Our research is dedicated to understanding the mechanisms that regulate cell death and inflammation in the human body. When cells die, they release inflammatory molecules contributing to numerous inflammatory diseases. Using proteomics, a comprehensive method for studying proteins, we have identified proteins released by dead cells and those that regulate cell death. This new knowledge holds great promise for creating novel treatment approaches to manage inflammation.

We are also dedicated to exploring dead cell removal by phagocytes. This process is essential for reducing inflammation because it removes dead cells and leads to the release of anti-inflammatory molecules. By employing proteomics, we aim to better understand how this process functions so that we can develop methods to control it, ultimately improving wound healing and decreasing inflammatory disease.

Our mission

At our laboratory, we are committed to unveiling disease-relevant, druggable mechanisms that regulate cell death. To accomplish this goal, we are developing cutting edge proteomics techniques and integrating them with cell and molecular biology approaches.


My previous work during my PhD and Postdoc uncovered cell death mechanisms and signalling events that regulate inflammation, presenting innovative therapeutic approaches to treat inflammatory disease.

These studies laid the groundwork for developing cell death inhibitors, which are currently in the pre-clinical selection phase.


Lab research projects

Lab team

We are a dynamic and driven team employing cutting-edge proteomics to investigate inflammation and its resolution.

Our laboratory is integrated within the Advanced Technology and Biology division and the Inflammation division, providing the ideal environment for the technology we employ and the biological questions we strive to answer.

5 members
Jenny Riedel
PhD Student
Research Assistant
PhD Student
Senior Research Officer
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