

Inflammation is an early defense that protects our body from infection. However, ongoing or misdirected inflammation underlies many diseases.

Our researchers are revealing how inflammation is controlled, and advancing the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Our inflammation research

Our researchers seek to understand how inflammation is controlled in health and disease. To do this they are investigating:

  • the molecules and cells that contribute to the initiation, magnitude and resolution of inflammatory responses
  • inflammatory pathways that are associated with disease
  • new strategies to treat harmful inflammation, and promote beneficial inflammation

The goal of our inflammation research is to advance strategies to diagnose, treat and prevent inflammatory diseases including:

What is inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to infection, disease and tissue damage. Inflammation is driven by immune cells, and also serves to heighten the immune response.

Features of inflamed tissues include:

  • redness and warmth, from increased blood flow to the area
  • swelling, from an influx of fluid
  • pain
  • immobility.

These symptoms of inflammation serve several important functions:

  • alerting and attracting immune cells to an area of potential infection
  • releasing substances that help to repair damaged tissue
  • immobilising the injured or infected tissue to reduce damage or spread of infection.

Inflammation can be acute, meaning it is rapidly resolved, or chronic, meaning it can persist for years.

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Illuminate Summer 2024
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