
Does restraining protein synthesis stop dysregulated T cell activation?

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Project details

T cells are critical for defence against viral infections and cancers, and are core targets for therapies treating autoimmune dysregulation. A huge amount is known about how T cells change gene/mRNA expression to form an effective immune defence. However protein, not mRNA, is the main determinant of cell function. At present we have no clear idea the extent to which protein synthesis and degradation mechanisms, which happen beyond the level of mRNA expression, shape T cell immune function.

In this project we will test the impact of repression of protein synthesis in restraining dysregulated T cell activation and immune-mediated damage to self.

This project will use techniques including: tissue culture, flow cytometry, proteomics and -omics data analysis.

About our research group

The Strasser lab is an international leader in understanding the molecular control of cell death in blood cancer and normal blood cell development. A substantial interest of the lab is understanding the role of the key transcription factor p53 in cancer development and improving use of survival-inhibitor, BH3 mimetic drugs, as a cancer treatment. Many molecular mechanisms are shared between cancer and healthy blood cell development and immune responses.

Dr Marchingo, an expert in T cell immunology, leads an independent line of research within the lab exploring the role of protein translation and degradation in reshaping immune responses. Students will benefit by being part of a team that uses a broad range of cutting-edge technologies and explores research questions ranging from fundamental to translational biology.

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