Themes / Divisions


The focus of my lab is to understand how immune signals are interpreted by lymphocytes to generate protective immunity. To investigate this problem we take a quantitative approach, using computer models to describe and measure individual components of the immune response. This allows us to accurately measure the contribution of immune signals, or genetic variation on the effectiveness of the lymphocyte function. Conversely, we can use the same theory to investigate how therapeutic interventions can be applied to target individual pathways, or components of the model, that are defective in immune disorders.

Therefore, my laboratory has two arms. One is to apply models to study lymphocyte function as described above, while the second is to construct and test new models. We do this through a combination of quantitative in vitro analysis integrated with single cell imaging techniques both in vitro and in vivo.


Selected publications from A/Prof Edwin Hawkins

Chiou S, Al-Ani AH, Pan Y, Patel KM, Kong IY, Whitehead LW, Light A, Young SN, Barrios M, Sargeant C, Rajasekhar P, Zhu L, Hempel A, Lin A, Rickard JA, Hall C, Gangatirkar P, Yip RK, Cawthorne W, Jacobsen AV, Horne CR, Martin KR, Ioannidis LJ, Hansen DS, Day J, Wicks IP, Law C, Ritchie ME, Bowden R, Hildebrand JM, O’Reilly LA, Silke J, Giulino-Roth L, Tsui E, Rogers KL, Hawkins ED, Christensen B, Murphy JM, Samson AL. An immunohistochemical atlas of necroptotic pathway expression. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2024;16(7):10.1038/s44321-024-00074-6

Speir M, Tye H, Gottschalk TA, Simpson DS, Djajawi TM, Deo P, Ambrose RL, Conos SA, Emery J, Abraham G, Pascoe A, Hughes SA, Weir A, Hawkins ED, Kong I, Herold MJ, Pearson JS, Lalaoui N, Naderer T, Vince JE, Lawlor KE. A1 is induced by pathogen ligands to limit myeloid cell death and NLRP3 inflammasome activation. EMBO Reports. 2023;24(11):10.15252/embr.202356865

Trezise S, Kong IY, Hawkins ED, Herold MJ, Willis SN, Nutt SL. An arrayed CRISPR screen of primary B cells reveals the essential elements of the antibody secretion pathway. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023;14:10.3389/fimmu.2023.1089243

Kong IY, Trezise S, Light A, Todorovski I, Arnau GM, Gadipally S, Yoannidis D, Simpson KJ, Dong X, Whitehead L, Tempany JC, Farchione AJ, Sheikh AA, Groom JR, Rogers KL, Herold MJ, Bryant VL, Ritchie ME, Willis SN, Johnstone RW, Hodgkin PD, Nutt SL, Vervoort SJ, Hawkins ED. Epigenetic modulators of B cell fate identified through coupled phenotype-transcriptome analysis. Cell Death & Differentiation. 2022;29(12):10.1038/s41418-022-01037-5

Newton LM, Wölwer CB, Lim K, Hawkins ED, Humbert PO. The Birth of the Red Blood Cell: Dynamics of Erythroid Enucleation in the Bone Marrow Niche. Blood. 2022;140(Supplement 1):10.1182/blood-2022-165991

Pirillo C, Birch F, Tissot FS, Anton SG, Haltalli M, Tini V, Kong I, Piot C, Partridge B, Pospori C, Keeshan K, Santamaria S, Hawkins E, Falini B, Marra A, Duarte D, Lee CF, Roberts E, Celso CL. Metalloproteinase inhibition reduces AML growth, prevents stem cell loss, and improves chemotherapy effectiveness. Blood Advances. 2022;6(10):10.1182/bloodadvances.2021004321

Simpson DS, Pang J, Weir A, Kong IY, Fritsch M, Rashidi M, Cooney JP, Davidson KC, Speir M, Djajawi TM, Hughes S, Mackiewicz L, Dayton M, Anderton H, Doerflinger M, Deng Y, Huang AS, Conos SA, Tye H, Chow SH, Rahman A, Norton RS, Naderer T, Nicholson SE, Burgio G, Man SM, Groom JR, Herold MJ, Hawkins ED, Lawlor KE, Strasser A, Silke J, Pellegrini M, Kashkar H, Feltham R, Vince JE. Interferon-γ primes macrophages for pathogen ligand-induced killing via a caspase-8 and mitochondrial cell death pathway. Immunity. 2022;55(3):10.1016/j.immuni.2022.01.003

Murphy A, Al-Sharea A, Lee M, Pernes G, Rimes J, Hawkins E, Nagareddy P. 3143 – CHOLINERGIC REGULATION OF BONE MARROW MICROENVIRONMENT INFLUENCES HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL MOBILIZATION. Experimental Hematology. 2022;111:10.1016/j.exphem.2022.07.199

Yip RKH, Rimes JS, Capaldo BD, Vaillant F, Mouchemore KA, Pal B, Chen Y, Surgenor E, Murphy AJ, Anderson RL, Smyth GK, Lindeman GJ, Hawkins ED, Visvader JE. Mammary tumour cells remodel the bone marrow vascular microenvironment to support metastasis. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):10.1038/s41467-021-26556-6

Lelliott EJ, Kong IY, Zethoven M, Ramsbottom KM, Martelotto LG, Meyran D, Zhu JJ, Costacurta M, Kirby L, Sandow JJ, Lim L, Dominguez PM, Todorovski I, Haynes NM, Beavis PA, Neeson PJ, Hawkins ED, McArthur GA, Parish IA, Johnstone RW, Oliaro J, Sheppard KE, Kearney CJ, Vervoort SJ. CDK4/6 inhibition promotes anti-tumor immunity through the induction of T cell memory. Cancer Discovery. 2021;11(10):10.1158/2159-8290.cd-20-1554

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