
About the lab

Our lab focus is ubiquitination in health and disease.

Proteins, the machines that regulate all tasks within our cells, are constantly modified after they are made. These modifications can be highly tunable.

We study such modifications to:

* Discover new principles and pathways they regulate
* Develop new tools and techniques to study modifiers, and
* Harness the system and turn our insights into new medicines.

In the past five years we have focused on neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, that affect the ageing population. We hope to uncover new diagnostics and treatments to stop or delay these incurable conditions.

Lab research projects

Lab team

We are ubiquitin scientists with complementary expertise covering chemistry/chemical biology, structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry, mass-spectrometry, cell biology and cell signalling, as well as preclinical model and human physiology.

We are interested to hear from enthusiastic candidates at all career stages.

16 members
Dale Calleja
PhD Student
Dr Simon Cobbold
Senior Research Officer
Jonathan Bernardini
Entrepreneur Scientist
Dr Andrew Evans
Honorary Research Associate
Tobias Schneider
Research Officer
Philipp Schenk
PhD Student
Jack Alexandrovics
PhD Student
Felicia Hendrianto
PhD Student
Dr Laura Fielden
Research Officer
Research Officer
PhD Student
Senior Research Officer
Research Assistant
Senior Research Officer
Laboratory Manager
Interested in supporting our research?

Your support will help WEHI’s researchers make discoveries and find treatments to ensure healthier, longer lives for you and your loved ones.

Contact our friendly team to find out how you can help.