

Giardiasis is a parasitic disease causing chronic diarrhoea. It disproportionately affects young children – it can exacerbate malnutrition and lead to significant delays in physical and cognitive development.


There are more than 280 million cases of giardiasis worldwide each year, but treatment is limited to a small number of drugs and drug resistance is emerging.

Our researchers are using advanced genome technologies to explore parasite biology, with the goal of developing approaches to understand drug resistance and better control the disease.

Giardiasis research at WEHI

Our researchers are:

  • Using advanced sequencing technologies to understand how parasites develop and interact with their host.
  • Studying how parasites develop resistance to common drugs.
  • Evaluating the impact of giardiasis on childhood health and development.
  • Working with the Victorian water industry to develop tools for monitoring parasites in the water supply.
  • Investigating parasite epidemiology in developed and resource-poor communities.
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