
Harnessing control of immune cell death to cure tuberculosis

Project type

  • PhD
  • Graduate Research Masters
  • Honours

Project details

Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of global infectious mortality. Mycobacterium tuberculosis establishes a chronic infection which can persist for years without developing into disease; or for roughly 5-15% of infected people, and 10 million people annually, it develops into a chronic inflammatory disease that destroys the architecture of the organ it infects. It does this by manipulating programmed cell death pathways of the cells it infects and of neighbouring cells, to allow it to persist and evade being killed by immune cells that are recruited in to help kill it. This inflammatory host cell death slowly destroys the lung and other sites of infection, ultimately allowing the bacteria to escape into airways so it can complete its transmission cycle.

Our team have undertaken large scale clinical studies of recent tuberculosis contacts in South Africa to identify the immunological pathways that are dysregulated in those who develop tuberculosis, compared to those able to control infection. Our analysis of whole blood transcriptional and epigenetic signatures from these individuals has identified the role of multiple cell death pathways in TB risk, particularly pyroptosis, necroptosis, apoptosis and extracellular trap formation.

The student will use a combination of clinical M. tuberculosis variants, primary human and induced pluripotent stem cell culture, CRISPR/Cas, advanced imaging, transcriptomic, proteomic and flow cytometry techniques to characterise immune population-specific cell death pathway manipulation by M. tuberculosis and identify and leverage small molecule therapeutics to shift programmed cells death from a chronic inflammatory to a protective clearing response. Animal model systems approaches will be used to demonstrate that therapeutic clearance provides long-term protective cure from subsequent disease.

About our research group

Our research focuses on identifying and correcting immunological dysfunction that causes tuberculosis. We combine analysis of clinical cohort samples and epidemiological data to identify environmental drivers and novel pathways of pathogenesis in humans, with infection model systems to determine the molecular mechanism underlying disease risk. We study how environmental and demographic risk factors, such as undernutrition, age, sex, and viral co-infections, particularly HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, impact immune function to increase tuberculosis risk. We study how the response of innate immune cells which engulf the tuberculosis bacteria, namely macrophages and neutrophils, is dysregulated by these risk factors leading to TB development. Together this enables us to identify novel therapeutic targets and develop diagnostic biomarkers to improve earlier TB diagnosis and inform who will most benefit from treatment when we take these into clinical trial.

We achieve this using a range of cutting-edge techniques to interrogate genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic and proteomic changes in both the host and bacteria to identify how these impact the inflammatory response during infection. We are particularly interested in regulation of cell death pathways and the heterogeneity of cellular responses due to macro and microenvironmental changes which we probe using single cell omics, spatial omics and advanced live cell imaging techniques.

Education pathways