
About the lab

Advances in fluorescence microscopy, such as the ability to perform high resolution imaging of specific structures in live cells over days, combined with automated methods for image analysis, have provided great insight into common human diseases. These powerful techniques provide a 3-dimensional view of biological specimens, as they change in time during development and in the course of disease.

Our mission is to work closely with researchers at the Institute to give them access to state-of-the-art microscopy and expert advice on how to advance their discoveries using imaging methods.

Visit the https://imaging.wehi.edu.au/, Centre for Dynamic Imaging website to learn more.

Lab research projects

Lab team

Our team comprises a multidisciplinary group of imaging specialists, with backgrounds in biomedical engineering, physics, mathematics and biology.

Areas of expertise include:
* Live cell and intra-vital imaging
* Three- and four-dimensional imaging
* Two-photon imaging techniques
* Pre-clinical imaging
* Optical physics
* Quantitative analysis of biological imaging data

Enquiries from prospective Honours or PhD students are welcome.

14 members
Michael Mckay
Research Assistant
Research Officer
Senior Research Officer
Senior Research Officer
Senior Research Officer
Senior Research Scientist (Technology)
Senior Research Officer
Aurelie Dawson
Research Officer
Ishrat Zaman
Research Assistant
Research Officer
Senior Research Officer
Patrick Lam
Research Assistant
A/Prof Andrew Webb
Honorary Research Fellow
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Contact our friendly team to find out how you can help.