  • Clinical trials
  • Cohort studies
  • Cohort analysis

About the lab

Our specific research interests include:

* Tumour biomarker research to predict cancer behaviour
* Blood biomarker research, including prospective randomised trials, to better define risk of recurrence after surgery and to improve treatment selection
* Laboratory models, including testing miniature cancers derived from patient biopsies, to predict response to treatment
* Collecting comprehensive patient, treatment and outcome data to better measure quality and to identify opportunities for improved cancer treatment
* Registry based clinical trials to improve and optimise use of available therapies
* Interventional Clinical Trials partnering with cooperative groups such as the AGITG and others looking at interventional therapies and providing all aspects of clinical trials management.

Our mission

The Gibbs Lab team strive to positively impact the outcomes for all patients through its work in data registries, registry trials, blood biomarkers, organoids development, clinical trials and quality tools, translating basic research into clinical applications that can better serve cancer patients.


Lab research projects

Lab team

The Gibbs Lab has been established with clinical leads for each of the tumour types to undertake translational research work to bridge the gap between science and clinical practice.

Each clinician is heavily involved in patient care and is well supported by a team that includes Research Fellows, Research Study Coordinators, Project Managers, Research Nurses and Clinical Project Officers. As well as support from Laboratory manager Maria Edmonds, Data Analysts Julie Johns, Biostatistician Wei Hong, Ethics and Governance team Evelyn Yip and Kristen Kiratzis and Admin support Soula Vissaris, Liz Jessup.

All tissue-based research is in collaboration with scientists within and outside of WEHI.

If you want to contact the Gibbs Lab with regards to any our work please contact edmonds.m@wehi.edu.au

51 members
Dr Wei Hong
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Grace Gard
Clinical Research Fellow
Michael Harold
Senior Project Manager
Dr Elizabeth Liow
PhD Student
Dr Arsha Anton
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Andrisha Inderjeeth
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Kate Dunn
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Sheau Lok
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Hui-Li Wong
Honorary Clinical Research Fellow
Emeritus Professor Tony Burgess AC
Honorary Research Fellow
Dr Azim Jalali
Clinical Research Fellow
Sophie O’Haire
Project Manager – Research
Megan Dumas
Project Manager – Research
Julie Johns
Senior Data Analyst
Dr Miku Kuba
Project Officer
Dr Anthony Uccellini
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Grace Kim
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Colin Williams
Clinical Research Fellow
Helen Brasier
Research Study Coordinator
Alissa Doran
Administrative Officer
Dr Evelyn Yip
Ethics Manager
Nadia Ayres
Project Officer – Research
Mary Moody
Research Study Coordinator
Siobhan Gallus
Research Study Coordinator
Kelsey Serena
Research Tissue Coordinator
Catherine Morton
Research Study Coordinator
Sharen Gibbs
Research Study Coordinator
Catherine McKay
Project Manager – Western Health
Kristina Zlatic
Project Manager – Research
Dr Roslynn Stirzaker
Project Manager
Karen Matoga
Research Study Coordinator – Northern Health
Tina Cavicchiolo
Research Study Coordinator – Eastern Health
Maria Edmonds
Senior Laboratory Manager
Matthew Chapman
Senior Project Manager
Angus Campbell
Clinical Research Database Coordinator
Karen Hsu
Administrative Assistant
Senior Clinical Research Fellow
Clinical Research Fellow
PhD Student
Clinical Research Fellow
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Vanessa Wong
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Ciara Conduit
Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Michael Christie
Deputy Head, CFDC
Senior Clinical Research Fellow
Elizabeth Diao
Project Officer
Yen Tran
Research Assistant
Kate Moruzi
Research Assistant
Dr Marlyse Debrincat
Project Manager
Emma Sanderson
Clinical Research Fellow
Interested in supporting our research?

Your support will help WEHI’s researchers make discoveries and find treatments to ensure healthier, longer lives for you and your loved ones.

Contact our friendly team to find out how you can help.