
Summer ‘24

Learn about how collaboration leads to discovery in the Summer edition of Illuminate.

From the director

At the cutting edge of biomedical research are new technologies that allow the complex systems inside our bodies to be explored with unprecedented precision.

Our scientists are privileged to work at this frontier, every day.

In recent years, aided in great part by our generous supporters, we have assembled a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge spatial biology technologies. These lead the way among Australian institutes and are among the very best worldwide.

These technologies allow scientists to map the exact locations of genes, proteins, and molecules within tissues, revealing the hidden interactions that drive health and disease.

They are enabling us to create better outcomes for patients, as evidenced by our cover story.

The Colonial Foundation Diagnostics Centre, powered by a wonderful $21 million philanthropic investment, will seamlessly integrate our spatial biology technologies into clinical practice at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

The centre will allow doctors to gain better information from biopsies and tests, make faster diagnoses and deliver better, tailored treatments, sooner.


The marvel of WEHI’s spatial biology and imaging technology is also vibrantly illustrated in our Art of Science exhibition, featured in this edition. The images show the inspiring power of life-changing medical research, and I encourage you to explore the full online exhibition on our website.

Spatial biology is opening doors to discoveries we never thought possible. Thanks for supporting our pursuit of discovery and the treatments of tomorrow.

WEHI Director, Professor Ken Smith
Scientists in the National Drug Discovery Centre

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