

Prof Andrew Wei (MBBS, PhD) co-leads the acute myeloid leukemia program at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Royal Melbourne Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

He is a Metcalf Family research fellow and NHMRC investigator at WEHI (the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) whose laboratory investigates novel approaches to treat AML.


Selected publications from Prof Andrew Wei


Chua CC, Loo S, Fong CY, Ting SB, Tiong IS, Fleming SA, Anstee NS, Ivey A, Ashby M, Teh T-C, Reynolds J, Roberts AW, Wei AH. Final Analysis of the Phase 1b Chemotherapy And Venetoclax in Elderly Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Trial (CAVEAT).Blood Advances. 2025;:10.1182/bloodadvances.2024014900

Brown FC, Wang X, Birkinshaw R, Chua CC, Morley T, Kasapgil S, Pomilio G, Blombery P, Huang DCS, Czabotar P, Priore SF, Yang G, Carroll M, Wei AH, Perl AE. Acquired BCL2 variants associated with venetoclax resistance in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Advances. 2025;9(1):10.1182/bloodadvances.2024014446

Peng H, Jabbari JS, Tian L, Wang C, You Y, Chua CC, Anstee NS, Amin N, Wei AH, Davidson N, Roberts AW, Huang D, Ritchie ME, Thijssen R. Single-cell Rapid Capture Hybridization sequencing to reliably detect isoform usage and coding mutations in targeted genes. Genome Research. 2025;:10.1101/gr.279322.124

Levis MJ, Hamadani M, Logan BR, Jones RJ, Singh AK, Litzow MR, Wingard JR, Papadopoulos EB, Perl AE, Soiffer RJ, Ustun C, Ueda Oshima M, Uy GL, Waller EK, Vasu S, Solh MM, Mishra A, Muffly L, Kim H-J, Stelljes M, Najima Y, Onozawa M, Thomson KJ, Nagler A, Wei AH, Marcucci G, Chen C, Hasabou N, Rosales M, Hill JE, Gill SC, Nuthethi R, King D, Mendizabal AM, Devine SM, Horowitz MM, Chen Y-B. Measurable residual disease and post-transplantation gilteritinib maintenance for patients with FLT3-ITD-mutated AML. Blood. 2025;:10.1182/blood.2024025154

De Botton S, Récher C, Cortes J, Curti A, Fenaux P, Peterlin P, Pigneux A, Yee K, Wei A, Mims A, Schiller G, Chao MM, Tian H, Watts JM. Olutasidenib demonstrates significant clinical activity in mutated IDH1 acute myeloid leukaemia arising from a prior myeloproliferative neoplasm. British Journal of Haematology. 2024;:10.1111/bjh.19944

Loo S, Potter N, Ivey A, O’Nions J, Moon R, Jovanovic J, Fong CY, Anstee NS, Tiong IS, Othman J, Chua CC, Renshaw H, Baker R, Fleming S, Russell NH, Ritchie D, Bajel A, Hou H-A, Dillon R, Wei AH. Pretransplant MRD detection of fusion transcripts is strongly prognostic in KMT2A-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2024;144(24):10.1182/blood.2024026605

Döhner H, Pratz KW, DiNardo CD, Wei AH, Jonas BA, Pullarkat VA, Thirman MJ, Récher C, Schuh AC, Babu S, Li X, Ku G, Liu Z, Sun Y, Potluri J, Dail M, Chyla B, Pollyea DA. Genetic risk stratification and outcomes among treatment-naive patients with AML treated with venetoclax and azacitidine. Blood. 2024;144(21):10.1182/blood.2024024944

Döhner H, DiNardo CD, Appelbaum FR, Craddock C, Dombret H, Ebert BL, Fenaux P, Godley LA, Hasserjian RP, Larson RA, Levine RL, Miyazaki Y, Niederwieser D, Ossenkoppele G, Röllig C, Sierra J, Stein EM, Tallman MS, Tien H-F, Wang J, Wierzbowska A, Wei AH, Löwenberg B. Genetic risk classification for adults with AML receiving less-intensive therapies: the 2024 ELN recommendations. Blood. 2024;144(21):10.1182/blood.2024025409

Thiagarajah N, Dowling MR, Dunne K, Aarons D, Collins J, Tran S, Fleming S, Sutrave G, Hiwase D, Fong CY, Hsu B, Purtill D, Watson A-M, Kennedy GA, Stevenson WS, Larsen SR, Moore J, Perera T, Ritchie DS, Wei A, Roberts AW, Hamad N, Bajel A. Real-World Patterns of Care and Outcomes for Non-Favourable Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treated with Intensive Chemotherapy across Australia and New Zealand- Data Linkage between the ALLG National Blood Cancer Registry (NBCR) and the Australia and New Zealand Transplant and Cellular Therapy (ANZTCT) Registry. Blood. 2024;144(Supplement 1):10.1182/blood-2024-209389

Lab research projects

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