
Stream of Happiness

First Place | Moving image
Created | 2024

Reminiscent of a sunrise and sunset, these striking hues form the image of an entire mouse brain, revealing bundles of nerve processes connecting distant regions and dopamine-producing nerve cells.  

Marlene and Verena’s research focuses on Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder with progressive symptoms including tremors, muscle weakness and dementia. There is currently no cure.  

As well as influencing feelings of happiness and pleasure, dopamine is vital for regulating muscle control and movement. The death of dopamine-producing neurons in the midbrain causes the progressive motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, such as shakes, slow movement, imbalance and rigidity.  

By studying these cells in mouse brains, the researchers hope to learn why they decline and to develop targeted therapies for people living with Parkinson’s disease. 


  • Marlene Schmidt 

Verena Wimmer Marlene Schmidt

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