
Technology Circle

To advance innovations in medical research our scientists need access to highly specialised frontier technologies.

Our Technology Circle is a group of extraordinary individuals who have the passion and capacity to make a significant difference in the world of medical research.

As a member of this group you will help fund the cutting-edge technology that our researchers rely on to continue making important discoveries in the areas of cancer, immune disorders and infectious diseases.

Technology is critical to medical breakthroughs

By joining the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Technology Circle – and committing to an annual pledge of $5,000 or more – you’ll be supporting the acquisition of much-needed biomedical instruments.

You’ll also become part of an exclusive group of people with access to senior researchers and countless opportunities to learn about the technology and the breakthroughs you’re helping fund.

Contact us

For more information on the Technology Circle, please contact us.

Neil Bramwell
Manager, Major Donors

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Illuminate Summer 2024
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