
Institute welcomes Victorian Gender Equality Strategy

05 December 2016
Female researchers in a lab
Miss Santini Subramaniam (L) and Dr Alyssa Barry
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute has pledged its support for Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy, launched today.

The strategy, announced by the Victorian Government, aims to redress inequality, sexism and violence against women.

Institute director and Male Champion of Change Professor Doug Hilton AO, who attended the launch, made a personal pledge to make medical research gender equal.

As an Institute we endorse the principles set out in the strategy and commit to the following actions in relation to gender equity in science:

  1. Encourage and support a diverse range of women into leadership.
  2. Encourage flexible and family friendly working arrangements for all.
  3. Call out sexism and sexist behavior.
  4. Treat family violence as a workplace issue.
  5. Apply the principles of measurement, accountability and transparency in achieving gender equity outcomes.
  6. Use gender analysis to monitor and evaluate workplace policy.
  7. Align our gender equity work wherever possible to the strategy so together we can build a safe and strong Victoria.

Find out more about our gender equity initiatives.

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