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On this International Women’s Day we celebrate the social, scientific, economic, cultural and political achievement of women.
It is also a time to reflect on the challenges that lie ahead in our sector:
Women are representative of more than half PhD graduates and early career researchers in Australia. However, in senior academic roles, women make up just 17%, this is a waste of time, talent and expertise.
We need to retain our best scientists and innovators to ensure Australia stays competitive in all research fields.
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #PledgeForParity.
As a member of the Victorian Male Champions of Change group, I am committed to gender equality, and in particular increasing the representation of women in leadership and in non-traditional careers.
In 2016 we have pledged to personally lead initiatives to drive measurement and accountability for gender balance across our organisations, create greater workplace flexibility, address everyday sexism and support the prevention of violence against women in our community.
Gender equality is firmly on the national agenda, with high profile appointments such as the Dr Anne Kelso taking up the role of CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council in 2015.
Here at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, I am aware of the challenges experienced by women seeking to achieve a senior role in their field. We have instigated and continue to develop a number of initiatives to enhance our leadership representation, such as:
These initiatives serve to recognise and support our women researchers and staff.
It’s an important step forward towards gender equality and an understanding that this is not just a women’s problem: gender equality affects us all.
To that end, I hope everyone will celebrate International Women’s Day.
Professor Doug Hilton
Celebrating International Women’s Day with #WEHIwomen, find out more about our female leaders.