
PhD scholarships

Our PhD students are supported by scholarships that provide a living allowance stipend, with WEHI also awarding each student additional top-up funding.

To better support our PhD students, who are our future scientific leaders, WEHI has made changes to PhD scholarship rates.

From June 2024, WEHI PhD scholarships will be boosted so the minimum rate is $42,137, guided by the net national minimum wage.

Scholarship top-up funding will continue for the full candidature, so students remain supported while they write their PhD.

Domestic students (Australian and New Zealand citizens)

Domestic students (Australian citizens and permanent residents, and New Zealand citizens) can be considered for a competitive University of Melbourne scholarship when applying for PhD candidature:

Find out more about University of Melbourne scholarship application rounds, scholarships available and scholarship eligibility. Find out the current Melbourne Research Scholarship rate.

Other PhD scholarships for domestic students

PhD scholarships for domestic students are also available from government and philanthropic sources. Prospective students should contact the WEHI’s Grants Office for assistance in applying:

Application dates vary – please see the funding bodies’ latest information on how and when to apply. Our Scientific Education Office and Grants Office are available to discuss your PhD scholarship application.

International students

International students (not Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or New Zealand citizens) may be supported scholarships from a range of sources, including philanthropic or government sources, WEHI, or the University of Melbourne.

International students are considered for a competitive University of Melbourne scholarship when applying for PhD candidature:

Most scholarships for international students often offer a relocation allowance, health insurance coverage, and tuition fee offset, as well as the living allowance component. Find the current Melbourne Research Scholarship rate.

Find out more about University of Melbourne scholarship application rounds, scholarships available and scholarship eligibility.

International students, not currently or most recently enrolled at an Australian university, may apply for our International PhD Scholar Initiative with applications closing in October, for commencement the following year.

Other PhD scholarships

PhD scholarships may be available from philanthropic or government organisations for students with certain backgrounds, nationalities or research interests. Our Scientific Education Office and Grants Office are available to discuss potential funding sources for your PhD study.

In certain circumstances WEHI also offers PhD scholarships or philanthropic funding for selected students, particularly those with a high likelihood of future scholarship success. This is usually by arrangement with the project supervisor, and to a value equivalent to University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarship.

PhD students may also be eligible to apply for external bursary funding to undertake research exchanges or travel scholarships to attend conferences during their degree.


For any queries about the Medical Biology PhD Program contact the Scientific Education Office.

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