
Hepatitis B research and birinapant

2 September 2019

Researchers at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute produced promising results when treating hepatitis B with the cancer drug birinapant in a laboratory setting. We are not aware of any current clinical trials of this drug as a hepatitis B treatment.

We are unable to provide access to birinapant for treating hepatitis B, and we are not recruiting patients for clinical trials using birinapant to treat hepatitis B.

Medivir own the rights to birinapant and are testing it in combination with other drugs to treat certain types of cancers.

Other sources of information

There is research being done by scientists around the world to treat hepatitis B and many new treatments are being trialled.

The Hepatitis B Foundation in the United States provides a summary of compounds in development on their website.

International clinical trials involving new treatments can also be found at ClinicalTrials.gov.

If you are in Australia, you can search for clinical trials on the Australian Clinical Trials website.

Laboratory research continues at the Institute

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is continuing research into hepatitis B, but we do not have any treatments ready for clinical trials at this stage.

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