
Dr Jessica Borger

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I am a passionate science communicator, immunologist, educator and national leader in Diversity and Inclusion in STEMM. Following 14 years in the UK as an academic researcher, I transitioned into education being appointed as the inaugural Graduate Course Convenor at the Central Clinical School, Monash University.

As the WEHI Scientific Education Team Leader, I am committed to identifying, creating and implementing scientific resources and tools to provide our graduate students with beneficial knowledge and skills to apply within their current research roles and to enhance their career progression in academia and beyond.

The Scientific Education Team is passionate in our delivery of the Honours, coursework degrees and graduate research academic programs, to ensure WEHI students are provided with the best foundational education.

Our team is also actively designing, developing and implementing e-learning courses from cutting edge research areas at WEHI and facilitating academic development events, workshops and opportunities to provide novel training opportunities for all of our students.


Selected publications from Dr Jessica Borger


Borger JG* and Purton LE, “Gender inequities in medical research funding is driving an exodus of women from Australian STEMM academia”, Immunology & Cell Biology, Invited Editorial, Jun 24. doi: 10.1111/imcb.12568

Borger JG, “Investing in Women in STEMM“, RSV, 8th March, 2023

Grant R, Borger JG, Ding, Z “Why queer visibility in STEM matters”, Monash Lens, 17 November 2022

Hislop, M “‘A fair crack at opportunities’: Funding target set to see more women undertaking health and medical research”, Women’s Agenda, 13 October 2022
*Interviewed for content as a content expert

Moore, G “The $400m reason female scientists are ‘gushing out of the system”, The Australian Financial Review, 7 August 2022
*Interviewed for content as a content expert

Borger, JG “Money talks: Funding fuels gender inequity in STEMM leadership“, Monash Lens, 29 July 2022

Watson, C, “The systemic factors wedging a persistent gender gap in science”, COSMOS, 1 July 2022.
*Interviewed for content as a content expert

Borger JG, “The Matilda effect: where are the NHMRC grants for female scientists”, The Australian, pg 25, 13 Apr 2022

Borger JG and Purton, L, “Is Australia’s largest medical research funding body doing enough to retain women in STEMM?”, Women’s Agenda

Borger JG and Purton, L, “STEMM the flow: More work needed to support women in medical research”, Monash Lens

Borger JG, “Should we all draw COVID CVs?”, Times Higher Education

Borger JG, Lawlor K and Quinn K, “Urgent government funding is needed for effective, diverse and equitable medical research’, Women’s Agenda

Borger JG, Lawlor K and Quinn K, ‘Applying the gendered lens to a post-COVID academia’, Immunology News, British Society of Immunology

Borger JG, ‘What will the world look like post-COVID’, Women in STEM Connect

Borger JG ‘Gendered impacts of COVID-19 on the medical research workforce’, The Lens

Borger JG ‘How COVID-19 risks reversing the gender equity gains made by Women in STEM’, Women’s Agenda

Borger JG ‘Here’s what is being done to empower, promote and retain Australian women in science.’ Women’s Agenda

Borger JG ‘Talking courage with a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.’ Leading with Courage (Insium)

Borger JG ‘Dr Jessica Borger’s Case for Optimism.’ Australian Leadership

Oliver A and Borger JG ‘Contagious Cancer: the curious case of Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease.’ Immunology and Cell Biology journal

Borger JG ‘Peer review has some problems – but the science community is working on it.’ The Conversation (Australian Edition)

Borger JG ‘Once you’ve left can you really break back in?’ Women in STEMM Australia

Academic Education publications:

Borger, JG*, ‘Getting to the CoRe of Collaborative Online International Learning.’ Frontiers in Education, doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.987289

Academic Scientific Research publications:

Cossarizza A, Chang HD, Radbruch A, Borger JG et al. (2021) ‘Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)’. Eur J Immunol. In Press.

Borger JG*, Nguyen-Roberston CV and Harris, J (2021) ‘EDITORIAL: ‘Trailblazing women in immunology from Australia and New Zealand’ Immunology & Cell Biology, Apr;99(4):338-343
*Corresponding author

Wickramasinghe L and Borger JG* (2020) ‘EDITORIAL: The new age of the PhD: Transforming the PhD from a product to a process’ J Life Sci, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2020:23-30
*Corresponding author

Borger JG* (2020) ‘Spatiotemporal cellular networks maintain immune homeostasis in the lung.’ European Medical Journal (EMJ) Respiratory (invited review), EMJ Respir. 2020;8[1]:108-119; https://doi.org/10.33590/emjrespir/20-00167. * Corresponding author

Borger JG*, Le Gros G and Kirman J. (2020) ’Editorial: The Role of Innate Lymphoid Cells in Mucosal Immunity.’ Front Immunol, 2020; DOI=10.3389/fimmu.2020.01233
*Corresponding author

Cossarizza A, Chang HD, Radbruch A, Borger JG et al. (2019) ‘Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)’. Eur J Immunol. 2019;49(10):1457-1973.

Borger JG, Lau M, Hibbs ML. (2019) ‘The Influence of Innate Lymphoid Cells and Unconventional T Cells in Chronic Inflammatory Lung Disease.’ Front Immunol. 2019;10:1597.
*Corresponding author

Coakley G, Wright MD and Borger JG*. (2019) ‘Schistosoma mansoni-derived exosomes lipids: potential agonists for eosinophil tissue repair.’ Front Immunol, May 7;10:1010 *Corresponding author

Webb LM and Lundie RJ, Borger JG**, Brown SL, Connor LM, Cartwright ANR, Dougall AM, Wilbers HP, Cook PC, Jackson-Jones LH, Phythian-Adams AT, Johansson C, Davis DM, Dewals BG, Ranches F and MacDonald AS. (2017) A central role for Type I IFN in Th2 response induction by dendritic cells. EMBO Journal, Aug 15;36(16):2404-2418. ** Second author

Borger JG, Morrison VL, Filby A, Garcia C, Uotila LM, Simbari F, Fagerholm S and Zamoyska R. (2017) Caveolin-1 influences LFA-1 redistribution upon TCR stimulation in CD8 T cells. J Immuno, Aug 1;199(3):874-884.

NM, Liehm P, Steude A, Knipper JA, Borger JG, Scarcelli G, Franze K, Powis SJ and Gather MG. (2017) Long-Term Imaging of Cellular Forces with High Precision by Elastic Resonator Interference Stress Microscopy. Nat Cell Biol, Jul 19(7):864-872

Coakley G, McCaskill J, Borger JG, Simbari F, Robertson E, Millar M, Harcus Y, McSorley HJ, Maizels RM, Buck, AH. (2017) Extracellular Vesicles from a Helminth Parasite Suppress Macrophage Activation and Constitute an Effective Vaccine for Protective Immunity Cell Rep, May 23:19(8):1545-1557

Cook PC, Owen H, Deaton AM, Borger JG, Brown SL, Clouaire T, Jones GR, Jones LH, Lundie RJ, Marley AK, Morrison VL, Phythian-Adams AT, Wachter E, Webb LM, Sutherland TE, Thomas GD, Grainger JR, Selfridge J, McKenzie AN, Allen JE, Fagerholm SC, Maizels RM, Ivens AC, Bird A, MacDonald AS. (2015) Epigenetic control of Th2 induction by dendritic cells via the methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2. Nat Commun, Apr 24;6:6920

Borger JG, Zamoyska R and Gakamsky DM. (2014) Proximity of TCR and its CD8 co-receptor controls sensitivity of T cells. Immunol Lett. 157:16–22.

Borger JG, Filby A and Zamoyska R. (2013) Differential polarization of C-terminal Src kinase between naïve and antigen-experienced CD8+ T cells. J Immunol. Apr 1;190(7):3089-99.
Commentaries on this paper were featured in:
1). In this Issue, J Immunol. Apr 1;190(7):3013-14 “ Sequestering Csk”
2).Faculty of 1000 Prime: https://f1000.com/prime/717980813. Recommended article

Caserta S, Borger JG and Zamoyska R. Central and Effector Memory CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Responses to Tumor-Associated Antigens. (2012) Crit Rev Immunol. 2012 Vol 32(2): 97-126

Libri V, Helwak A, Miesen P, Santhakumar D, Borger JG, Kulda G, Grey F, Tollervey D and Buck AH. (2012) Murine cytomegalovirus encodes a miR-27 inhibitor disguised as a miRNA target. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Jan 3;109(1):279-84.

Borger JG, Cardenas-Maestre JM, Zamoyska R and Sanchez-Martin RM. (2011) Novel Strategy for microsphere-mediated DNA transfection. Bioconjug Chem. Oct 19;22(10):1904-8.

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