
Victorian institutes welcome Government’s plan for medical research

13 July 2016
Professors Brendan Crabb and Doug Hilton
Professor Brendan Crabb with Institute director and 
AAMRI President Professor Doug Hilton

Victoria’s leading medical research institutes have welcomed the launch of the Victorian Government’s new Health and Medical Research Strategy, Healthier Lives Stronger Economy.

Chair of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes Victoria (AAMRI Victoria), Professor Brendan Crabb AC said that the four-year plan recognised the vital role that health and medical research plays in reducing health burdens and health expenditure.

“We are committed to working with the Victorian Government to secure Victoria’s pre-eminent position as an international leader in health and medical research,” Professor Crabb said.

“It’s great to see the Victorian Government take the initiative and develop a strategy that recognises the world-class health and medical research taking place in our state.”

“It is particularly pleasing to see the strategy focus on translating the important research that is undertaken in Victoria into better outcomes for patients.”

Although the strategy was welcomed by AAMRI Victoria, Professor Crabb explained that local institutes were falling behind other states whose state governments were investing more to support the operational costs of research.

“While this plan will help to guide health and medical research in the state, Victorian medical research institutes will continue to face significant financial challenges to unlock the next generation of discoveries,” Professor Crabb said.

“Victoria’s medical research institutes will continue to work constructively with the State Government to ensure appropriate support is provided for their operational expenses. Operational costs are vital for the translation of research discoveries into pioneering medicines and treatments and for attracting private investment to Victoria.”

“Investing in health and medical research not only drives improvements in healthcare in our hospitals, but also helps to grow high value jobs and innovative industries.”

“Victoria has always played a leading role in Australia’s health and medical research sector and it’s important that we maintain this position. We welcome this announcement by the Victorian Government which illustrates their commitment to our industry,” Professor Crabb concluded.


Media contact: Brendan Rowswell, 0402 916 952

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