During a routine health check in late 2015, Mike Waller’s doctor detected elevated levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in his blood – a potential indicator of prostate problems. Mike was referred to a urologist and unfortunately, the results were unequivocal – he had high-grade prostate cancer.
“I was in shock. In that moment, my greatest fear was that this diagnosis signalled an early and agonising end to my life,” he recalls. Mike and his wife Sue joined – and later ran – a prostate cancer support group where they gained insights into the challenges patients face.
“It became abundantly clear to us that identifying more effective diagnostic methods and treatments for prostate cancer patients is imperative.”
Fuelled by a desire to improve the outlook for all men facing prostate cancer, Mike also joined the WEHI Consumer Advocates program to help researchers find better ways to diagnose, prevent and treat cancers.