
Protein boost: Advancing precision research

This article featured in Illuminate Newsletter Spring ‘22
Toby Dite photographed in a light-filled corridor

When Dr Toby Dite started his Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne he wouldn’t have predicted that a decade or so later he would be working just across the road.

As a research officer in WEHI’s Proteomics Facility, Dr Dite collaborates to design precision experiments for the large-scale study of proteins.

Mapping interactions

“Proteomics has many applications, from identifying and monitoring biomarkers by analysing proteins in body fluids to facilitating drug development by providing a comprehensive map of protein interactions associated with disease pathways,” he explains.

“Proteomics provides a map of protein interactions associated with disease pathways”

Like many of his peers, Dr Dite found a natural affinity for science in high school and pursued specialised science subjects in his senior years.

After completing his postgraduate degree, he went on to undertake a PhD in the Metabolic Signalling Laboratory at St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research.

The lure of an international experience led him to Scotland for a postdoctoral appointment working on a novel mass spectrometry-based assay using a combination of CRISPR and TurboID technologies.

Complex projects

He returned to Melbourne last year to take up his current role at WEHI, working on a range of complex research projects.

“When someone approaches the Proteomics Facility, they’re wanting to advance their research as far as possible and we’re able to partner with them to design tailored experiments that go beyond their laboratory.”

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First published on 01 September 2022
This article featured in Illuminate Newsletter Spring ‘22
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