
Institute welcomes four new directors

28 October 2014
Professor Stephen Smith in his office
Professor Stephen Smith, Dean of the Faculty of
Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the
University of Melbourne, has joined the board of
directors at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute has announced the appointment of four new directors who will join the institute board over the coming months.

Board president Mr Chris Thomas officially welcomed Professor Stephen Smith, Associate Professor Rufus Black, Mrs Jane Hemstritch and Mr Terry Moran AC to the board of directors at the institute’s Annual General Meeting last week. The new directors will replace two board members who have resigned over the past year – former board president Mr Leon Davis AO and Professor James Angus.

Mr Thomas said the four new directors of the board had substantial leadership and governance experience, and came from a wide range of backgrounds, which would assist in driving the strategic direction of the institute.

“As we approach our centenary in 2015, it is important to continue the institute’s reputation for research excellence,” Mr Thomas said. “Our new directors will join a group of talented and passionate people who have made, and will continue to make, a positive impact on the research and business directions of the institute.”

Professor Stephen Smith is Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at The University of Melbourne. He was awarded a Doctor of Science in 2001 for his work at the University of Cambridge on the complex gene pathways that regulate the growth of blood vessels in reproductive tissue and has published more than 230 papers on reproductive medicine and cancer. Professor Smith led the formation of the UK's first Academic Health Science Centre and its integration with Imperial College London (ICL). He was principal of the Faculty of Medicine at ICL and was chief executive of the Imperial College Healthcare National Health Service Trust, the largest such trust in the UK.

Associate Professor Rufus Black is the Master of Ormond College at The University of Melbourne and chair of the institute’s Human Research and Ethics Committee. He is a strategic adviser, ethicist and theologian, and works on public policy, ethical and education issues. Associate Professor Black works in the Department of Philosophy at The University of Melbourne and is a director of the law firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth. Associate Professor Black was a partner at McKinsey & Company for nine years and holds degrees in law and politics from The University of Melbourne and graduate degrees in moral theology from the University of Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar.

Mrs Hemstritch was managing director Asia Pacific for Accenture Limited from 2004 to 2007. She holds a Bachelor of Science with honours in biochemistry and physiology and has professional expertise in technology, communications, change management and accounting. She also has experience across the financial services, telecommunications, government, energy and manufacturing sectors and in business expansion in Asia. Mrs Hemstritch is a member of the Council of The National Library of Australia, the Council of Governing Members of The Smith Family and Chief Executive Women. She is an independent non-executive director of The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Lend Lease Corporation Limited, Santos Ltd, Tabcorp Holdings Ltd, and Victorian Opera Company Ltd.

Mr Terry Moran AC is the former secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and former secretary of the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet. Mr Moran’s involvement in the public service has resulted in the establishment of institutions that have made important contributions to Australia’s cultural and educational landscape, such as the Wheeler Centre, the Grattan Institute, Opera Victoria, the Melbourne Recital Centre, the Australian and New Zealand School of Government and the National Institute of Public Policy. He is the chair of the Barangaroo Delivery Authority, a special adviser on public sector reform at the Boston Consulting Group, a senior adviser at Maddocks Lawyers and a board member at the Melbourne Theatre Company.

Further information:

Alan Gill
Science Communications Officer
P: +61 3 9345 2719
E: gill.a@wehi.edu.au

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