
About the lab

We are a group of bioinformaticians dedicated to developing statistical methods and software tools to analyze sequencing, single-cell and spatial data in cancer research. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the development of more effective cancer treatments and therapies, which can help improve the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Our research focuses on analyzing large-scale datasets from single cells and tissues, which provide unprecedented insights into the molecular and cellular basis of cancer. By applying advanced statistical strategies and bioinformatics methods, we can identify key molecular pathways and cellular processes that drive cancer progression and metastasis. Our software tools enable researchers to analyze these complex datasets more efficiently and accurately, accelerating the pace of discovery in cancer research.

Our research has already had a significant impact on the cancer research community, with our tools and methods being widely adopted by researchers around the world. By improving our understanding of cancer biology and identifying new targets for therapy, our work has the potential to improve outcomes for cancer patients and ultimately save lives.

We are grateful for the support of donors who help make this important work possible.


Our contributions to the scientific community and research knowledge have been significant, achieved through method development, scientific collaboration, and education.
We developed the popular edgeR package, arguably the world’s most used R software package for RNA-seq analysis.
We closely collaborate with biomedical researchers at WEHI, which has led to a number of significant discoveries as well as publications on high impact journals.
We created teaching resources and have run a number of hands-on workshops that have educated and empowered hundreds of researchers to use our software on their own data.

Lab research projects

Lab team

Our lab is jointly affiliated with the ACRF Cancer Biology and Stem Cells (CBSC) division and the Bioinformatics division at WEHI.

We closely collaborate with wet labs in the CBSC division, and we aim to expand our collaborations with other labs, both within and outside our institute.

Our team is seeking to recruit students and researchers with a background in computational biology, computer science or statistics, who have a keen interest in pursuing a career in medical research.

4 members
Research Assistant
PhD Student
Research Officer
Interested in supporting our research?

Your support will help WEHI’s researchers make discoveries and find treatments to ensure healthier, longer lives for you and your loved ones.

Contact our friendly team to find out how you can help.