
Robert Anthony – Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School

16/12/2024 10:00 am - 16/12/2024 11:00 am
Davis Auditorium

WEHI Special Immunology Seminar hosted by Associate Professor Joanna Groom


Robert Anthony
Principal Investigator at the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases, Associate Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, USA


Non-Templated Regulation of Antibodies

Davis Auditorium

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Including Q&A session


The Anthony lab studies the role and regulation of glycosylation to arguably the two most clinically relevant antibody classes, IgG and IgE. His group has demonstrated surprising, essential, and divergent roles for glycans decorating IgE and IgG, and developed soluble glycosylation enzymes that modulate antibody glycosylation in vivo. Robert Anthony is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, Associate Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Principal Investigator at the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases. Robert attended Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA. As a graduate student, Robert trained in immunoparasitology in the laboratories of William Gause and Joseph Urban (USDA). For his postdoctoral training, he moved to New York City to join the laboratory of Jeffrey Ravetch at the Rockefeller University. There, Robert studied the paradoxical anti-inflammatory activity of IgG. He has received several awards for his work, including the Robert A. Cooke Memorial Lectureship (AAAAI, 2022), MGH Research Scholars Award, MGH Martin Prize in Fundamental Research, MGH DOM Krane Award for Excellent Junior Investigators, MGH Howard M. Goodman Endowed Fellowship, NIH New Innovator Award, Irvington Institute Fellowship, and an H.M. Jackson Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship.


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