
Professor Phil Hodgkin – Immunology division

12/08/2024 11:00 am - 12/08/2024 12:00 pm
Davis Auditorium

Postgraduate Seminar Series – Computational Biology Theme hosted by Andrew Keniry, Nadia Davidson, Haloom Rafehi


Professor Phil Hodgkin

Division Head, Immunology division – Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Theme, WEHI

cThe Cellular Calculus, Cyton models and steps toward a quantitative theory for immunology


Davis Auditorium

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Including Q&A session


Understanding our immune system continues to be a fascinating research journey. In this seminar I will review principles of an emerging quantitative theory for immune regulation based on experimentally validated multiscale models. I will focus on how computation can predict complex signalling outcomes and provide insights into why all of us are unique when responding to immune challenges.


Phil Hodgkin is current joint head of the Immunology Division at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne. His discoveries in T cell and B cell biology have contributed to original theoretical ideas for the field. His lab’s experimental work focusses on the mechanics of how lymphocytes perceive and process multiple signals to regulate proliferation, survival and differentiation. The resulting theoretical solutions illustrate how we might simplify our understanding of cellular heterogeneity, the coding of complex behavior and the stepwise transformation of healthy responses to various malignancies. His overall goal is to translate experimental insights to the building of functional models that can inform and improve our predictions for how the immune system will behave, how it leads to disease and how drug therapies can be optimally targeted to individuals. He would like to see future research programs integrate interdisciplinary experimental/theoretical efforts to facilitate such advances and ensure our models scale and translate information from molecular to cellular to whole system level.


All welcome!


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