
Professor Melissa Davis – Isomorphics Labs

06/05/2024 11:00 am - 06/05/2024 12:00 pm
Davis Auditorium

Postgraduate Seminar Series – Computational Biology Theme hosted by Andrew Keniry, Nadia Davidson, Haloom Rafehi


Professor Melissa Davis

Director of Computational Biology, Isomorphics Labs, UK


Overview of spatial transcriptomics


Davis Auditorium

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Including Q&A session


Professor Melissa Davis is a computational biologist, with a background in genetics and computational cell biology and expertise in the analysis of genome-scale regulatory networks and knowledge-based modelling. Melissa did her post-doctoral training at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience in Brisbane. In 2014 she was awarded a four year National Breast Cancer Foundation Career Development Fellowship, taking up a position as Senior Research Fellow in Cancer Systems Biology at the University of Melbourne. In 2016 Melissa relocated her group to the Bioinformatics Division of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, and in 2019 she was appointed as Associate Professor, and Joint Head of the Bioinformatics Division, where she will remain based until the start of 2023.


In 2022, Melissa was appointed as Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Adelaide, to establish a program in Computational Systems Oncology at the South Australian ImmunoGenomics Cancer Institute, Australia’s newest medical research institute. In 2024, Melissa joined Isomorphic Labs as Director of Computational Biology. She holds ongoing honorary appointments at the University of Adelaide and The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.


All welcome!

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