
Dr Maria Tanzer – Advanced Technology & Biology division

20/05/2024 11:00 am - 20/05/2024 12:00 pm
Davis Auditorium

Postgraduate Seminar Series – Computational Biology Theme hosted by Andrew Keniry, Nadia Davidson, Haloom Rafehi


Dr Maria Tanzer
Laboratory Head – Proteomics Facility, Advanced Technology & Biology division – New Medicines & Advanced Technologies Theme, WEHI


Proteomics meets inflammation


Davis Auditorium

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Including Q&A session


We apply proteomics to investigate immune cell signalling pathways involved in inflammation and inflammation resolution. In my presentation, I will start with the fundamentals of proteomics and explore common proteomic methodologies for examining post-translational modifications, protein secretion, interactions, and intracellular translocation. Following this, I will present our research focus, which revolves around the body’s response to dead cells in context of inflammation.


Dead cells release inflammatory factors. To prevent inflammation, dead cells are engulfed by macrophages. We are examining how the engulfment of dead cells triggers the reprogramming of macrophages and the release of anti-inflammatory factors.


Finally, I will guide you through a standard proteomic workflow, commencing with macrophages engulfing dead cells and concluding with an analysis of proteins regulated during this process.


All welcome!

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