
Dr Julian Carosi – Lysosomal Health in Ageing at SAHMRI

27/09/2024 9:30 am - 27/09/2024 10:30 am
L4W Meeting Room

WEHI Special Ubiquitin Signalling Seminar hosted by Associate Professor Michael Lazarou and Dr Runa Lindblom


Dr Julian Carosi

Postdoctoral Researcher, Lysosomal Health in Ageing at SAHMRI


Balancing degradation and recycling

L4W Seminar Room

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Meeting ID: 464 553 881 548

Passcode: YtNHhz

Including Q&A session



Dr Julian Carosi is a cell biologist focused on autophagy — a cellular ‘waste-disposal’ pathway — that slows biological ageing and neurodegenerative diseases in lab animals. He earned his PhD in 2021, where he studied how autophagy clears protein aggregates linked to neurodegenerative diseases, and how it coordinates the trafficking of receptors within cells.


Currently, Dr Carosi is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Lysosomal Health in Ageing at SAHMRI. His research explores how nutritional cues regulate autophagy, differences in autophagy across tissues, and developing biomarkers to measure autophagy in humans. His work is supported by an EMCR Fellowship from the Hospital Research Foundation and two NHMRC Ideas Grants.


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