
Dr Ben Gully – Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute

03/12/2024 11:00 am - 03/12/2024 12:00 pm
Davis Auditorium

WEHI Special Structural Biology Seminar hosted by Professor Matt Call


Dr Ben Gully

γδ T cell activation Team Leader, Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute


The molecular triggers of γδ T cell activation

Davis Auditorium

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Including Q&A session


Dr Benjamin Gully uses protein imaging to study the molecules that regulate immune cell activation. After completing his PhD at UWA, he was recruited to Monash University. Here he established a team researching a poorly understood adaptive immune cell type. Gamma delta T cells have homeostasic roles and detect aberrant cells in infections or cancer. The team study the pathways that these cells use to sense normality and dysregulation. 


Here Ben will summarise the team’s recent work on γδ T cell activation. Using advanced molecular imaging the team deciphered the precise molecular triggers of activation. This included the cryo-EM structure of the γδ T cell triggering complex, which revealed incredible receptor dynamism. Single molecule imaging revealed that altered T cell triggering stemmed from receptor dynamics, thereby modulating cellular activation. The pathways controlling γδ T cell activation are coveted due to the translational promise of γδ T cell therapies.



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