
Associate Professor Rhys Allan – Immunology division

24/07/2024 1:00 pm - 24/07/2024 2:00 pm
Davis Auditorium

WEHI Wednesday Seminar hosted by Professor Daniel Gray

Associate Professor Rhys Allan

Laboratory Head, Immunology division – Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Theme, WEHI

Epigenetic Regulation of the Immune System: Making a Memory


Davis Auditorium

Join via SLIDO enter code #WEHIWednesday

Including Q&A session



Immune responses are essential for fighting infection but in some cases can cause allergy and autoimmune disease. The focus of the Allan laboratory is to understand the intricate DNA circuitry that underlies the regulation of genes that control immune function to reveal novel therapies to rewire harmful cells. The lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to explore how epigenetic networks control important steps of immune cell differentiation during normal development and disease.


Rhys Allan is a laboratory head in the Immunology Division at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. He completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2007 and following post-doctoral periods at Institut Curie and WEHI he started his own lab in 2015. During this time, he made several seminal findings that have shaped our understanding of how immune responses are generated. 


He will present his lab’s latest insights into how the epigenome is organised to support the gene expression programmes that govern immune cell memory.


All welcome!

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