
Ai Yamamoto – Irving Medical Center

25/06/2024 9:30 am - 25/06/2024 10:30 am

WEHI Parkinson’s Disease Special Seminar hosted by Michael Lazarou and Runa Lindblom


Ai Yamamoto

A/Prof Neurology and A/Prof Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University, Irving Medical Center, NY, USA


Aiming to understand PD pathogenesis: modeling PARK2 PD


Online only via ZOOM

Passcode: 522846

Including Q&A session



Ai Yamamoto is an Associate Professor of Neurology in the Departments of Neurology, Pathology and Cell Biology at Columbia University. From her early work in Huntington’s disease, Dr. Yamamoto aims to understand how changes in protein trafficking events in the aging brain contribute to neurodegeneration. Her innovative work was recognized in 2020 when she received the Leslie Gehry Brenner Prize in Innovative Science by the Hereditary Disease Foundation, and more recently, with a Transformative R01 by the National Institute of Health.  


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