To make a credit card donation by phone, please call +61 3 9345 2403 (9am to 5pm AEST).
To donate by cheque, please download this donation form.
If you would like to make a donation via bank transfer, please call our Fundraising team on (03) 9345 2403 or email us at
To request donation envelopes to use at an event, please contact us on 03 9345 2403 or
US supporters can donate via the Chapel & York US Foundation, nominating The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research as a recipient.
Donations to WEHI of $2 or more are fully tax deductible.
We would like to keep in touch by sending you our quarterly newsletter, event invitations and fundraising appeals. If you would like to change these communication preferences, please call our office on (03) 9345 2403 or email
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