
Donate to our fight against disease

Yes, I would like my support to accelerate discoveries in medical research.

A smiling clinician is photographed speaking with a patient, whose back is to the camera.

Your support will help us focus on the most complex health challenges that we face today.

Thank you for joining us in the fight against devastating disease in the hope of accelerating treatments and in the quest for cures. With your support we will continue to make research discoveries ensuring longer, healthier lives for you and your loved ones.

Online donation is not available to donors outside of Australia and New Zealand. Please consider the options below for other ways to support our research.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Other ways to donate

To make a credit card donation by phone, please call +61 3 9345 2403 (9am to 5pm AEST).

To donate by cheque, please download this donation form.

If you would like to make a donation via bank transfer, please call our Fundraising team on (03) 9345 2403 or email us at fundraising@wehi.edu.au

To request donation envelopes to use at an event, please contact us on (03) 9345 2403 or fundraising@wehi.edu.au.

US supporters can donate via the Chapel & York US Foundation, nominating The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research as a recipient.

Ways you can support WEHI

A colourful image of immune cells captured by a high-powered microscope
Support our brightest minds

Our researchers are the leaders in their fields – the Leonardo da Vincis, Rembrandts, Frida Kahlos and Monets of the science world.

With the support of our donor community, they’re working hard to revolutionise medical research and tackle our most complex medical challenges.

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Illuminate Winter 2024
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